Free Shamanic Reiki Remote Healing
The Shamanic Reiki Worldwide (SRW) Altar Circle is a love offering for those in need of healing.
When you participate, you receive long distance healing energy generated by Shamanic Reiki certified practitioners, Shamanic Reiki Worldwide yearlong program apprentices, Mayan Wisdom Keepers, and traditional ceremonies of the Guatemalan Highlands.
In the form below, you may submit:
- your own name for personal healing
- names of loved ones, friends, or family members (even of those who have passed on)
- names of animals, water bodies, social and ecological issues, planetary locations, and so forth
- anyone and any aspect of nature that could benefit from remote healing energy
Additionally, you might submit the name of any being who:
- may be physically ill or is experiencing imbalance on emotional, mental, or spiritual levels
- has passed on, or is in the death process
- has experienced sudden change, challenge or loss, etc.
- could use healing energy to restore balance and harmony
When you participate, you receive long distance healing energy generated by Shamanic Reiki certified practitioners, Shamanic Reiki Worldwide yearlong program apprentices, Mayan Wisdom Keepers, and traditional ceremonies of the Guatemalan Highlands.
In the form below, you may submit:
- your own name for personal healing
- names of loved ones, friends, or family members (even of those who have passed on)
- names of animals, water bodies, social and ecological issues, planetary locations, and so forth
- anyone and any aspect of nature that could benefit from remote healing energy
Additionally, you might submit the name of any being who:
- may be physically ill or is experiencing imbalance on emotional, mental, or spiritual levels
- has passed on, or is in the death process
- has experienced sudden change, challenge or loss, etc.
- could use healing energy to restore balance and harmony
How does the SRW Altar Circle work?
The moment you submit a name, or other focus, the healing journey begins. 1. Submit a Name When you submit a name to the Altar Circle, it is sent to dozens of skilled SRW Shamanic Reiki practitioners. Each practitioner writes your submitted name on a small Prayer Slip, folds it up, and places it inside a Prayer Slip Bundle that rests on their sacred altar. The name you submit is kept in strict confidence and is seen only by participating Shamanic Reiki practitioners and supervised apprentices. 2. Receive Long-Distance Shamanic and Reiki Healing Once you've submitted a name, there is nothing else you need to do to receive the remote healing. The healing energy will naturally radiate to the named recipient. The participating practitioners offer energy to the Prayer Slips daily as they perform Shamanic Reiki practices, altar work, and ceremonies, always regarding the Prayer Slips with sacredness, confidentiality, and care. View a partial list of participating healers: Shamanic Reiki Certified practitioners 3. Heal with Mayan Wisdom Keepers of the Guatemalan Highlands Prayer Slips are carried with care on the annual Sacred Journey to Guatemala. Here, the Prayer Bundle is blessed by Mayan Elders and absorbs the energy of every ceremony and every sacred site we visit. In the culminating fire ceremony, the Mayan Spiritual Guides offer the Prayer Slips to the Sacred Fire for the final petitioning and transmutation. We hope you join us for the next Sacred Trip to Guatemala |
altar circle form*All names and other notes that go onto the prayer slips are strictly confidential and are only shared with registered SRW Shamanic Reiki practitioners and apprentices. |
Altar circle form
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